Why don’t we love discovering our gray hair?

2 min readJul 20, 2020


Are you fretting over your gray hair in the quarantine? The answer for most people will be a big “Yes”- considering they haven’t been able to make that regular visit to the salon!

Ever wondered if we are making a big deal over nothing. Lots of people have gray hair.Science of Grays says that- hair follicles have pigment cells that make melanin, a chemical that gives our hair its color. As we age, these cells start to die. Without pigment, new hair strands grow in lighter and take on various shades of gray, silver, and eventually white.

May be if you are in your 20s, expecting these grey strands of glitter can be panic inducing . But when your are in your late 30s and cruising firmly towards the fourth decade, you have already seen quite a few of these glitters pop up in your head.

And with every passing month, they seem to gather more and more friends and followers. So you are certainly not panicking — but you still want to hide them.

I love( or i could say I don’t mind even if I did not term it as love)frayed jeans and worn sweaters, blemishes on skin and sun tan on my hand. Clearly ,when it comes to fashion and art, lot of us love stuff that is antique and priceless than what is shiny and new. In looks, we may not bother to put that extra cream to moisturise our skin or hide that blemish or wrinkles or the change in vision.But we still.. still…decide to conceal those gray hairs.

I know of so many from my female tribe who would not put an inch of make up or a layer of lip balm, but would still take pains to not show those silvery glitters on head. So, clearly these people are not scared to embrace their age and are not vehemently fighting the inevitable ageing process .

Its just strange observation that I have made over the years. People seem less tolerant and appreciative of their gray hair but nevertheless don’t quite mind accepting and revealing their other signs of ageing gracefully.

How have you responded when faced with the choice “To gray or not to gray”?

P.S.-Don’t get me wrong ! We all know that ideas of what constitutes beauty are changing and expanding to include all kinds of people and the pressure to conform to a particular standard is giving way to authenticity. So a lot of people are also accepting their silver locks. As long as one is happy with one’s hair, you should color it, chop it, and wear it however you want.




Written by Gayatree

Seeker who is keen to explore connections between self, god and ego....Solo Traveler

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