Published inMiddle-PauseIf a Story Doesn’t End with Marriage or a Child, What Then??Let us celebrate being alone, single, and freeJan 12, 20212Jan 12, 20212
Christmas wish nostalgiaThis is old poem that was penned by my mother for one of my school assignments :Jan 2, 20211Jan 2, 20211
Published inChange Your Mind Change Your Life3 Important Lessons From The Bhagavad GitaThe Bhagavad Gita, often referred to as the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata, commonly dated to…Dec 19, 20202Dec 19, 20202
How are you thinking?Who hasn’t heard of lateral thinking? Just about each one of us- at some point we have all had managers or peers who have highlighted…Dec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020
Secrets Of The Christmas Elf TraditionIt’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas is a very popular & old Christmas song written in 1951 by Meredith Willson and later sung by…Dec 10, 20202Dec 10, 20202